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As a leading manufacturer for PVC and caustic soda, Westlake Vinnolit offers individual solutions for customers from a wide range of industries, such as the construction sector, the automotive industry, medical technology or pulp and paper production. As a manufacturer of high-quality PVC specialties, Westlake Vinnolit is a global market leader. At its headquarters in Ismaning near Munich and its four production sites in Burghausen, Gendorf, Knapsack and Cologne, 1,400 employees generate annual sales of more than €1 billion.

Quote: The green transformation and defossilisation of the chemical and plastics industry can only succeed with large amounts of renewable electricity and green hydrogen at competitive prices. Knowing this, it is already foreseeable today: Most of this green hydrogen will have to be imported. Here, the SoutH2 corridor plays a crucial role, especially for Bavaria and southern Germany.
